Hi there, I’m Dina!
I’m a food/wine/party/cooking lover and I want to share my experiences with you.
There are so many restaurants, it’s sometimes hard to pick one and be happy with our choice.
I won’t spend time talking about bad food, or bad restaurants, or bad service… life is way too short for that!
Instead, I’m going to focus on my positive and happy experiences.
I will also share with you my favorite addresses for pastries, cheese, and meats all over the world.
Basically, any kind of store related to food and drink deserves our attention!
To give you a bit of background about myself, I was born in Beirut, grew up in Brussels, lived several years in Michigan and Tokyo, four years in Paris, and I’m now living in New York.
I’ve been lucky enough to travel the world, first with my parents, then with my husband and my 3 kids.
It certainly initiated my interest in restaurants and cooking!
I love all kinds of food, but my background is of French/Lebanese/Japanese influence!
When I got married, I didn’t know how to cook.
Once, my guests were so very worried when they saw me arriving with my grocery bags at the same time as them. We still laugh about it today…
That being said, my mom was a very good cook, and she is for sure my first inspiration.
After that, each of our moves brought innovation, novelty, and new challenges to my cooking, which have helped me grow as a cook and deepened my interest in food.
My friends and family are always asking me for advice about restaurants, so I finally decided to create this blog to help them choose the right one.
You’ll find some of my recipes here and there as well.
Thanks for reading and enjoy my blog!