February has a widespread tradition in Europe: the chandeleur – Candlemas. It’s on February 2nd – 40 days after Christmas.
It’s a religious holiday since the 5th century when Pope Gelasius started the Festival des chandelles (candles) on this date.
Originally though, it was a pagan festival; the event marks the moment when days begin to lengthen.
In the Christian tradition, it is the day Jesus was presented at the temple of Jerusalem. It is said that the Pope handed out crêpes to the pilgrims coming to Rome during the candle procession.
Long ago, when preparing the crêpes, it was recommended to toss it with the right hand, holding a coin in the left hand, to bring luck. Another tradition is to keep the first pancake on top of a wardrobe hoping for prosperity and abundance in the next crops.

Here is an easy recipe you can’t miss.
Ingredients for eight crêpes:
250 g or 9 oz flour
Pinch of salt
50 g or 2 oz sugar
2 large eggs
50 cl or 10 fl oz milk
1 càc or tsp vanilla extract (optional)
25 g or 1 oz butter
10 g or ½ oz Butter for cooking

1- Pour the flour into a large mixing bowl with sugar and salt.
Create a well in the middle and add the eggs, slowly whisking them into flour.

2- Pour little by little the milk and whisk until you get a smooth batter.
3- When you are ready to prepare the crêpes, melt the butter, let it cool down a bit, and pour it in the mix.

4- Heat a non-stick pan, melt a dab of butter, pour a ladle of batter into the center of the pan, and swirl to spread evenly to get a thin layer.
Cook 2 minutes – or until lightly browned – and flip. Cook another minute and remove.

Repeat with the remaining batter.
You can try to toss it with a coin in your hand, who knows, it’s maybe more than a superstition.

It’s better to serve the crêpes warm; a few seconds in the microwave are enough. Wrapped or folded, they are delicious with sugar, brown sugar, Nutella, or fresh fruit. My favorite one is with sugar and a few drops of lemon! So Yummy!