There are all kinds of beurek, burek, or börek, in the Middle East: meat beurek, cheese beurek, Armenian beurek, Turkish beurek, Lebanese beurek … I’m not sure exactly which beurek is this one, but let’s call it beurek for busy bees!
I learned to make this version from my mom. She probably made it when she didn’t have time to make individual cheese beurek, rolled in brick dough, and fried one by one. This method is way quicker and less greasy (kind of). What I like is that you can prepare it in advance – in the morning, for example – keep it in the fridge, and bake it when desired in the evening. It’s possible to freeze it for up to three months.

Serving: 6 people
Prep time: 20 min
Cooking time: 40 / 45 min
½ lb / 225 g Mozzarella
½ cup / 100 g Feta cheese
½ cup parsley
1 egg yolk
1 puff pastry sheet

1- Preheat the oven to 400º F or 200º C.
2- Grate the mozzarella or cut it into small pieces with a big knife. It’s better to use dry mozzarella rather than the
fresh kind.
3- Crumble the feta.
4- Clean the parsley, remove the stalk, and chop finely. I recommend a big knife that you can hold with one hand while keeping your other hand flat on the blade to help you chop.

5- Mix the three ingredients with a spoon.

6- Unfold the dough and cut it in half. Roll out one part on a parchment sheet and cover with the cheese/parsley mix.

7- Smear the edge of the dough with water.
8- Cover with the other half of the puff pastry and press on the edge of the dough to stick shut both sides. Flip the beurek up-side-down in order to have a flat and neat surface.
9- Press the edge with a fork to make grooves.

10- Pre-cut the beurek into squares or diamonds.
11- Brush the dough with the egg yolk and a drop of water to give a rich golden brown color when it bakes.

12- Put it in the oven to bake for 40 to 45 min. Make sure the dough is well baked on the bottom and the top is crispy.

The result is absolutely delicious! Don’t worry if some extra melted cheese escaped from the dough, it makes it even more delicious. It’s our family’s favorite part; we all try to pinch a little bit of the cheese before serving it.

#staysafe #bonappetit